![9 Card 9: XR & Art](http://arvr.web.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/16888/2019/03/9.png)
XR technologies allow artists to create immersive experiences that can allow more collaboration with viewers. XR art has been at the cutting edge of discussions around corporate ownership of public spaces, meta-VR, and other important concepts.
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Selected Articles/Websites of Interest
Art Attack: A series of YouTube videos showing the creation of classic works of art with Tiltbrush: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzvRx_johoA9nohT7Oqb_cX4knTV3rdzm
Spatial Reality: Artists Explore the Future of XR, exhibit at sp[a]ce gallery in Pasadena, CA https://space.ayzenberg.com/spatial-reality/
Time Magazine: Virtual Reality is for Artists http://time.com/vr-is-for-artists/
Wired: Creating Art in Virtual Reality — Then Entering It https://www.wired.com/brandlab/2018/04/creating-art-virtual-reality-entering/