![98 Card 98: Hololens](http://arvr.web.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/16888/2019/05/98.png)
The Microsoft Hololens is a mixed reality headset that uses spatial mapping to allow users to experience 3D holographic images that can interact with the physical environment. It uses hand gestures and voice and eye tracking as primary controls
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Puljiz, D., Stöhr, E., Riesterer, K. S., Hein, B., & Kröger, T. (2019). Sensorless hand guidance using microsoft hololens. Paper presented at the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, , 2019-March 632-633.
Ullo, S. L., Piedimonte, P., Leccese, F., & De Francesco, E. (2019). A step toward the standardization of maintenance and training services in C4I military systems with mixed reality application. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 138, 149-156.
Tepper OM, Rudy HL, Lefkowitz A, Weimer KA, Marks SM, Stern CS, Garfein ES. (2017). Mixed Reality with HoloLens: Where Virtual Reality Meets Augmented Reality in the Operating Room. Plast Reconstr Surg. Nov;140(5):1066-1070
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